Development of a Safer Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Battery for Naval Aircraft Applications Through Thermal Management Design
Navy STTR FY2014.A

Sol No.: Navy STTR FY2014.A
Topic No.: N14A-T006
Topic Title: Development of a Safer Lithium-ion (Li-ion) Battery for Naval Aircraft Applications Through Thermal Management Design
Proposal No.: N14A-006-0279
Firm: EIC Laboratories, Inc.
111 Downey Street
Norwood, Massachusetts 02062-2612
Contact: Trung Nguyen
Phone: (781) 769-9450
Web Site:
Abstract: EIC, in collaboration with NREL, proposes to develop safe, large-format aircraft Li-ion batteries where thermal propagation of an overheated cell to neighboring cells or group of cells will be prevented by integrating novel thermal management technologies.
Benefits: With its lightweight and high power, Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have the potential to revolutionize aircraft and automotive markets.
