Maritime Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) Environmental Sensing
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-054
Topic Title: Maritime Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare (EMW) Environmental Sensing
Proposal No.: N161-054-0394
Firm: Arete Associates
P.O. Box 2607
Winnetka, California 91396
Contact: Paul Lundquist
Phone: (303) 532-8468
Web Site:
Abstract: Aret�'s Shipboard Refractive Profiler (SRP) will provide range profiles for water vapor, temperature and wind along an array of directions for RF refraction calculations within the atmospheric boundary layer. The proposed system will have a compact sensor head mounted on a gimbal for directing the sensing laser path and receiving backscattered radiation, while the laser sources and detectors will be housed in a separate EO module connected to the sensor head via a fiber umbilical.
Benefits: The proposed system will provide monitoring of the atmosphere surrounding a naval ship so that RADAR signatures of threats may be adjusted for refractive effects. This improved RADAR trajectory information is expected to allow for earlier threat responses. There are additional commercial markets to which the developed technology could be applied such as the growing market for wind sensing for wind farm optimization. The proposed technology is expected to lower system costs and allow for longer range sensing without the operational constraints implicit in existing higher optical power systems. The water vapor sensing technology could easily be extended for detection of other atmospheric constituents and may support the development of new remote sensing markets.
