Automated V&V Innovations For Testing Far Flung Systems
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-043
Topic Title: Automated V&V Innovations For Testing Far Flung Systems
Proposal No.: N161-043-0835
Firm: Heureka Corporation
763 10th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Contact: Mark Yager
Phone: (303) 544-1978
Web Site:
Abstract: Heureka and Lockheed Martin propose multiple innovations to automate EIT between the AN/SQQ-89, AWS, and other C/S elements. One innovation addresses deficiencies with current automated V&V. For example, AWS testers still perform vast amounts of labor to interpret specifications and manually create test protocols. We propose to automate this laborious process. We have demonstrated how AI can convert Aegis specifications (especially interface design specifications) into Formal Methods components. Automated processes will also use these components to create EIT protocols. Moreover, the plethora of baselines (e.g. 5.3.9, 6.3 with and without ALIS, 7.2, and many B/Ls to come) demand approaches which automatically create testing from specifications. Another automated test deficiency is that testing is typically oriented merely towards specification coverage. Instead, Navy program managers have suggested that a more honed automated testing strategy should also be based on defects. We have demonstrated automated techniques to analyze Aegis TORs and CPCRs to drive downstream processing; we suggest they could be used for V&V too. In summary, we will use these innovations and others to develop a conceptual framework for automated EIT of SQQ-89 for tactical, test, and training states and modes.
Benefits: Our product will provide hitherto unavailable approach for automated processing of legacy specifications, defect reports, and code changes to drive distributed testing. In contrast, many automated V&V products require still significant amounts of human intervention, have high false fails, and are unresponsive to changes. The market is ripe for truly automated testing products.
