Compact Ruggedized Field-Use Platelet Apheresis
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-064
Topic Title: Compact Ruggedized Field-Use Platelet Apheresis
Proposal No.: N161-064-0666
Firm: TDA Research, Inc.
12345 W. 52nd Ave.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033
Contact: Ambalavanan Jayaraman
Phone: (303) 940-5391
Web Site:
Abstract: Hemorrhage is the main cause of preventable deaths on the battlefield, and the survival of soldiers who suffered a catastrophic wound is inversely proportional to the speed of receiving blood or blood components. In the expeditionary environment transfusion using stored whole blood is not realistic due to the stringent storage requirements for whole blood. Using a donor is also not possible because the removal of substantial intravascular volumes of blood leaves the donor temporarily "out of the fight". To overcome these drawbacks, Naval medical facilities store the components of whole blood; except for platelets which have a shelf life of only five to eight days. Field apheresis will allow platelets to be collected from a single donor, on site, so that they are available to the severely injured. TDA Research, Inc (TDA), in collaboration with University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), proposes to develop a compact, single-person carry, ruggedized, battery operated, automatic platelet apheresis device to provide fresh, leukocyte-reduced platelets in the field
Benefits: TDA's enhanced automatic platelet apheresis system allows the use of platelet apheresis as a therapeutic option in the expeditionary environment to control hemorrhage. This product will also find use in developing countries or rural areas in developed countries where access to blood products is limited due to distance or lack of capabilities to store and maintain perishable blood products. It will also find use in disaster relief efforts where existing blood supplies are rapidly depleted or conditions for storage of blood products do not exist.
