Robust Endspeed Indicator Validated through Extreme Naval Testing (REINVENT)
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-014
Topic Title: Robust Endspeed Indicator Validated through Extreme Naval Testing (REINVENT)
Proposal No.: N161-014-0366
Firm: Mide Technology Corporation
200 Boston Avenue Suite 1000
Medford, Massachusetts 2155
Contact: Tim Gipson
Phone: (781) 306-0609
Web Site:
Abstract: Mid� Technology proposes the use of its health monitoring expertise, proprietary solid-state thermal management system technology, and experience designing electronic systems for naval applications to rebuild the Digital End Speed Indicator (DESI) onboard aircraft carriers with steam catapult systems. The proposed solution will retrofit into the existing form factor of the catapult system. This solution will also improve the operational reliability of the DESI system, and provide health monitoring diagnostics to improve safe catapult operation.
Benefits: The solution will provide increased environmental resistance, reduced maintenance and down time due to health monitoring and reliability, and safe operation. These benefits will lead to improved warfighter capability.
