Development of a Miniaturized and Autonomous Vacuum Maintenance System
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-024
Topic Title: Development of a Miniaturized and Autonomous Vacuum Maintenance System
Proposal No.: N161-024-0508
Firm: Creare LLC
16 Great Hollow Road
Hanover, New Hampshire 3755
Contact: Michael Barton
Phone: (603) 643-3800
Web Site:
Abstract: Legacy copper-based power distribution and degaussing cables will not be able to meet the future requirements of Navy ships and submarines. While cable systems employing high temperature superconductors (HTS) have the potential to meet this need, further development work is required to improve the performance and increase the technology readiness level of key system components. The proposed work focuses on developing miniature vacuum pumps that will be used to autonomously maintain the high-vacuum spaces in cryogenic HTS components. Currently, periodic manual intervention is employed to maintain HTS vacuum spaces. This process is capital and labor intensive, which leads to very high operational costs. Creare plans to develop a miniaturized, autonomous, and rugged vacuum system that can be integrated with existing and future HTS components. In Phase I, we will complete a proof-of-concept demonstration of our system. In Phase II, we will develop and test a prototype system.
Benefits: Superconducting cables have the potential to reduce the size, weight, and losses associated with ship power distribution and degaussing systems. The proposed development effort will help achieve the promise of HTS cables by reducing the maintenance costs associated with maintaining high vacuum in the HTS cryogenic vacuum spaces. Commercial applications include power distribution systems for ships, aircraft, and land-based grid generation and interconnection applications.
