Robust Electronics for Aircraft End Speed Indicator
Navy SBIR FY2016.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2016.1
Topic No.: N161-014
Topic Title: Robust Electronics for Aircraft End Speed Indicator
Proposal No.: N161-014-0378
Firm: BHTechnology, LLC
26 Firemens Memorial Drive
suite 105
Pomona, New York 10970
Contact: Aron Kain
Phone: (845) 369-6324
Web Site:
Abstract: BH Technology proposes a Form, Fit, and Function end-to-end upgrade replacement to the current DESI system. Our system uses novel technology and updated enhancements that eliminate current system obsolescence, end of life, and performance issues while reducing total cost of ownership of the system over its expected lifetime. The proposed technology, components, and designs used in our proposed DESI system are leveraged from current NAVY qualified sensor systems used on aircraft carrier elevators so that first pass qualification testing of the DESI system has a very high probability of success.
Benefits: Although the DESI system is highly specific to steam catapult aircraft launch systems, the individual components that make up the system can be extracted as stand alone products for both military and commercial use. These products include sensors that work in harsh environments, touch screen operational systems, and upgraded system peripherals that find applications ranging from oil and gas exploration to aircraft maintenance to robust transportation and material handling system.
