In-Stride Net Penetration Technology
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-054
Topic Title: In-Stride Net Penetration Technology
Proposal No.: N061-054-0220
Firm: Nekton Research LLC
4625 Industry Lane
Durham, North Carolina 27713
Contact: Frederick Vosburgh
Phone: (919) 405-3993
Web Site:
Abstract: We propose investigating new technology for cutting fishing nets, both for commercial fishing or that may be deployed for UUV denial purposes. The envisioned technology is conformal and modular, intended initially for the MRUUV but scalable to larger and smaller vehicles. It is intended as an affordable system requiring minimal space and energy, while providing redundancy in capabilities through the use of complementary technologies. The system will be capable of multiple penetrations and it avoids using expendables which might become exhausted or betray presence of the vehicle.
Benefits: The UUV Master Plan calls for UUVs to operate in denied littoral regions where fishing nets will be deployed for fishing by commercial interests or for denial by adversaries. Operating autonomously, such vehicles must be able to severe such nets or risk being entangled and lost at sea or being denied timely access to their area of operations. The financial costs of loss in addition to the risk to mission success associated with being denied or delayed are unacceptable. By providing a means for in-stride penetration of nets, the proposed technology will reduce the cost of UUV and increase their chances of timely, successful completion of their mission. In commercial applications, the ability to free itself from entanglements will permit broader use of UUV by reducing the risk of loss or of costly recovery operations.
