Cargo Transfer from Offshore Supply Vessels to Large Deck Vessels
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-057
Topic Title: Cargo Transfer from Offshore Supply Vessels to Large Deck Vessels
Proposal No.: N061-057-0890
Firm: Art Anderson Associates
202 Pacific Avenue
Bremerton, Washington 98337-1932
Contact: Ralph Duncan
Phone: (360) 479-5600
Web Site:
Abstract: The CONREP Crane telescopes out from a side access on the military guide ship and reaches out and rests on the flight deck of the approach ship. This allows the cargo weight to be shared between the two vessels. This also virtually eliminates the relative height changes of the crane over the decks, which eases the landing of cargo onto the decks.
Benefits: The CONREP Crane system will transfer heavier loads at higher throughput rates more safely with less manpower than the existing UNREP STREAM system. Commercially, waterborne transportation companies seeking to expand their routes, would benefit from having ships CONREP Cranes incorporated to provide and acquire TEU cargo at ports of call that were previously not an option because of their limited or non-existent port craning capabilities.
