Smart Fibers for Synthetic Arresting Cable(1000-855)
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-046
Topic Title: Smart Fibers for Synthetic Arresting Cable(1000-855)
Proposal No.: N061-046-0117
Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824
Contact: Arthur Gavrin
Phone: (978) 250-4200
Web Site:
Abstract: Carrier aviation is dependent on the ability to recover aircraft expeditiously and safely aboard ship. Current arresting gear cables are constructed from steel woven around a polyester core. The Navy has recently funded research into a new all-synthetic material cable to replace the current steel cable. The unknown failure mode of synthetic cables remains a primary technical risk. Triton Systems, Inc. will utilize its "SmartFiber" technology to develop a nondestructive health monitor system to help determine the condition of a cable and alert the operator when the cable is approaching the end of its service life.
Benefits: Wire rope has a wide range of applications in industry, including bridges, construction equipment, ship moorings and offshore oil rigs. Because of its performance benefits and high strength-to-weight characteristics, synthetic rope has been gaining market share in these applications. By providing the means to monitor and predict life usage, synthetic cables could safely and realistically be transitioned into these applications.
