Low Cost Single Crystal Transducer Design and Fabrication for Common Low Frequency Projectors
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-092
Topic Title: Low Cost Single Crystal Transducer Design and Fabrication for Common Low Frequency Projectors
Proposal No.: N101-092-1783
Firm: TRS Ceramics, Inc.
2820 East College Avenue
State College, Pennsylvania 16801
Contact: Kevin Snook
Phone: (814) 238-7485
Web Site: www.trstechnologies.com
Abstract: TRS Technologies proposes to develop low cost, low frequency, directional sonar transducer elements using relaxor ferroelectric single crystal in a high elastic compliance resonance mode to minimize the amount of crystal material used in the transducer. TRS will also incorporate several low cost transducer fabrication processes based on our existing commercial production of ceramic elements for the industrial accelerometer industry. The goal of this effort will be to produce broadband crystal sonar elements that are capable of operating at the frequencies and source levels required for submarine and surface ship combat system sonar. TRS will design the transducers using 1-D analytical and 3-D finite element models, and we will fabricate prototype elements using the designs which meet program goals as indicated by the model results. Prototypes will be fabricated according to existing commercial methodology that is modified to accommodate single crystal. Transducer fabrication processes will be developed to minimize labor time. The prototype transducers will be tested in air and in water for transmit voltage response vs. frequency and vertical and horizontal beam profiles. By the conclusion of the program, TRS will have demonstrated the feasibility of fabricating cost effective, low frequency crystal transducers.
Benefits: Development of low cost, low frequency crystal transducers will allow the broadband and reduced size benefits of single crystal to be realized on the Navy's largest sonar systems: submarine and surface ship combat sonar. This can lead to system level cost reductions through transducer commonality, multifuctionality, reduced channel count, and reduced electrical power requirements. Use of broadband crystal sonar in these systems can also improve littoral combat operations, obstacle avoidance, and marine mammal effects mitigation.
