A Unique Energy Transfer Up Conversion Laser Based on Rare Earth Doped Media
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-009
Topic Title: A Unique Energy Transfer Up Conversion Laser Based on Rare Earth Doped Media
Proposal No.: N101-009-1975
Firm: Princeton Lightwave, Inc.
2555 Route 130 South, Suite 1
Cranbury, New Jersey 08512-3509
Contact: Igor Kudryashov
Phone: (609) 495-3003
Web Site: www.princetonlightwave.com
Abstract: Growing interest in high power and efficient lasers in the 20,300 cm-1 to 21,800 cm-1 region has emerged for numerous underwater applications due to the high transmission in this spectrum. Applications include underwater range finding, underwater surveillance from airborne platforms and ship to ship communications. We will leverage our experience with a rare earth element Erbium (Er) and exploit its many energy transitions that can be utilized for this application. Our unique pumping concept will lead to high efficiency and lower threshold energy lasers in the desired wavelengths of interest. The overall technology configuration is simple, comprising of a few integrated components with solid state pumping making it reliable and robust which is ideal for harsh environments such that maintenance in the field may often be difficult.
Benefits: Applications include underwater range finding, underwater surveillance from airborne platforms and ship to ship communications.
