Electric Field Tunable Multi-Ferroic Phase Shifters for Phased-Array Applications
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-075
Topic Title: Electric Field Tunable Multi-Ferroic Phase Shifters for Phased-Array Applications
Proposal No.: N101-075-2208
Firm: Out of the Fog Research LLC
Stuart Berkowitz
2258 20th Avenue
San Francisco, California 94116
Contact: Stuart Berkowitz
Phone: (415) 505-3827
Web Site: www.outofthefogresearch.com
Abstract: In Phase I, we will assess the technical issues and risks associated with developing a multi-ferroic phase shifter. We will develop target specifications. We will then fabricate multi-ferroic devices. We test these devices to determine the feasibility to meet the target specifications. We will then develop practical packaging for these devices. We will gather enough information to estimate the technical risk in Phase II. We will then have all of the building blocks to develop a prototype in Phase II.
Benefits: The proposed technology is expected to result in a high level of interest in these circuits for current and future generation phased-array radar systems.
