Environmentally Constrained Naval Search Planning Algorithms
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-048
Topic Title: Environmentally Constrained Naval Search Planning Algorithms
Proposal No.: N101-048-1097
Firm: Applied Mathematics, Inc.
1622 Route 12, Box 637
Gales Ferry, Connecticut 06335
Contact: William Browning
Phone: (860) 464-7259
Web Site: www.applmath.com
Abstract: The Undersea Warfare Decision Support System (USW-DSS), currently employed by Carrier Strike Groups for integrated command and control and anti-submarine warfare (ASW), uses the Operational Route Planner (ORP) that incorporates a genetic algorithm to define optimal ASW search tracks. This capability does not currently consider route planning and supporting ASW operations in the context of avoiding, where operationally feasible, environmentally sensitive areas that may be on the track or within the operating area of the strike group. The purpose of this effort is to develop a computer-based routing program that can be implemented into USW-DSS which will use the same input/output structure as ORP, but also incorporate environmental/protected species databases and the Marine Acoustic Propagation System (MAPS) being developed for National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). MAPS will provide the ability to estimate received ship and aircraft radiated noise levels as well as that from medium frequency active (MFA) and high frequency active (HFA) sonar systems. This enhancement to ORP functionality will allow operators to maximize strike group ASW effectiveness and route planning efficiency while also minimizing the impact on environmentally sensitive areas from strike group-generated noise.
Benefits: The Phase I effort is to develop a routing algorithm that makes use of environmental/protected species databases to allow a Carrier Strike Group (CSG) to plan and allocate assets for ASW search in environmentally sensitive areas while minimizing the impact on marine animals. The ability to operate in or near environmentally sensitive areas in the ocean is of interest to many organizations around the world. In addition to use by the U.S. Navy, the proposed system could directly apply to the commercial fishery, oil and gas exploration (seismic), and marine construction industries where environmental compliance and determination of risk to protected species from their activities is necessary. Use of a common set of prediction and routing tools would help ensure development of consistent and acceptable policies that balance scientific and industrial needs and protection of the ocean environment.
