Algorithms for Dynamic 4D (3D space with time) Volumetric Calculations and Analysis
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-019
Topic Title: Algorithms for Dynamic 4D (3D space with time) Volumetric Calculations and Analysis
Proposal No.: N101-019-0344
Firm: Tucker Innovations
8525 Broxburn Lane
Waxhaw, North Carolina 28173
Contact: Tommy Tucker
Phone: (704) 843-4026
Web Site: http:/
Abstract: The Navy is seeking a solution for determining flight paths for electronic jamming aircraft to protect primary mission aircraft as they pass through threat detection areas. This problem is 4D in nature where the flight paths, threat volumes, and protection volumes interplay in 3D space and changes over time as the aircraft move along their trajectories. This proposal sets the mathematical foundations of the problem and defines a solution in along these terms. A numerical solution for determining optimal flight paths is presented along a with a rough assessment of the potential performance of this algorithm. Novel solutions for handling terrain and other aspects using computer graphics and 3D gaming research are included.
Benefits: This effort has the immediate benefit of providing greater usage of the capabilities of electronic attack aircraft through more sophisticated coordination. Naval missions will be more effective with reduced risk of casualities. Longer term the software developed in this research could lead to novel tactics for coordinating military aircraft. Deeper appreciation of the 4D nature of aircraft missions and tactics will be drawn by this exploration. Commerically, the research may eventually become a key component of the Joint Mission Planning Software currently under development and eventually planned for use across all military branches.
