High Temperature Elastomeric Coating(1001-516)
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-041
Topic Title: High Temperature Elastomeric Coating(1001-516)
Proposal No.: N101-041-0812
Chelmsford, Massachusetts 01824
Contact: Norm Rice
Phone: (978) 250-4200
Web Site: www.tritonsys.com
Abstract: Triton Systems, Inc. responds to the Navy's need for improved coatings for aircraft and missile systems. In this program new high temperature coatings will be developed which can withstand prolonged exposure to temperatures of 680�F (360�C) without degradation. In addition the coatings will be able to withstand short temperature excursions to 800�F (425�C) without degradation, and can be converted to a nonporous ceramic that is stable to at least 1850�F (1000�C) in air. These new coatings will be applied directly to the airframe components and cured in place without the need for adhesives. Fillers to control the EMF/RF shielding, and to improved the thermal insulation will also be explored.
Benefits: Coatings that can tolerate higher temperatures will improve the capability of Navy air systems by allowing the use of less insulation and therefore result in a reduction of weight. This allows a heavier payload, or longer flight duration. The ability to apply the high temperature coating without the need for adhesives will save labor and cost.
