Man Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) Remote Digger and Hammer Chisel
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-050
Topic Title: Man Transportable Robotic System (MTRS) Remote Digger and Hammer Chisel
Proposal No.: N101-050-0121
Firm: Honeybee Robotics
460 West 34th Street
New York, New York 10001
Contact: Jack Craft
Phone: (646) 459-7835
Web Site:
Abstract: Honeybee Robotics proposes to develop an attachment for MTRS platforms that will provide the capability to dig into hard packed soils and break up concrete. Short of using explosives, a means for uncovering IEDs concealed in hard-packed soil or concrete using a MTRS platform does not currently exist. The tool proposed here will bridge the existing technology gap by making it possible to penetrate and remove IED-concealing soil or concrete while preserving the ability to use the robot's gripper after the IED is uncovered. This effort's basic objective is to bring the capability of commercially available man-portable concrete breakers (e.g. "chipping guns") to MTRS platforms in the field. Off-the-shelf tools are effective and reliable, but poorly suited to MTRS platforms due to their size, weight, power consumption and required consumables. To Therefore, Honeybee Robotics will develop an MTRS-compatible soil-digging and concrete-breaking tool that is lightweight, robust, and reliable. In Phase 1, Honeybee Robotics will conduct testing and data analysis to aid in defining requirements and system limitations and design and model an MTRS soil-digging and concrete-breaking tool.
Benefits: The proposed soil digging and concrete breaking tool will increase the capability of both existing and future MTRS platforms. The tool will provide MTRS platforms with an effective means of uncovering IEDs and ordnance buried in packed soil or concealed in concrete curbs, buildings or barriers. The tool will be easy-to-install and compatible with existing MTRS platforms and OCUs and will not interfere with the functionality of the robots or degrade their runtimes. Commercial applications of this tool include use by civilian bomb squads and first responders who use commercial equivalents of the MTRS.
