Electrically Tunable Multi-Ferroic Phase Shifters
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-075
Topic Title: Electrically Tunable Multi-Ferroic Phase Shifters
Proposal No.: N101-075-1937
Firm: nGimat Co.
5315 Peachtree Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
Contact: Kwang Choi
Phone: (678) 287-3910
Web Site: www.ngimat.com
Abstract: nGimat proposes to develop electrically tunable multi-ferroic phase shifters. We will use our proprietary process CCVD to develop multi-ferroic materials, which will be used with the appropriate structures to realize planar phase shifters.
Benefits: Phased array antennas, radars
