Spread Spectrum Techniques for Sonar Ping Technology
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-005
Topic Title: Spread Spectrum Techniques for Sonar Ping Technology
Proposal No.: N101-005-0637
Firm: Advanced Acoustic Concepts Incorporated
425 Oser Avenue
Hauppauge, New York 11788
Contact: Dennis Kershner
Phone: (410) 872-0024
Web Site: www.aactech.com
Abstract: Advanced Acoustic Concepts (AAC) will develop a spread spectrum waveform for use with the existing receive-only sonobuoys. Ideally the sonar source will be constructed to operate at 100% duty-cycle. This is an ideal application for a spread spectrum waveform as the largest reduction in transmit power is achieved using the highest pulse compression which in turn is achieve through use of very high duty cycle waveforms. AAC will provide analysis of system performance in reverberation, acoustic intercept vulnerability, and processing load estimates relative to the existing NAVAIR Processing hardware.
Benefits: The proposed technology should provide a system with much lower peak power thus reducing the cost of the sonar source. In addition, the proposed waveform has been previously applied to multi-access radar. This technique allows radar systems to surveillance the same space with very little cross interference. This same multi-surveillance could be implemented in the sonobuoys such that each source buoy transmits a separate coded waveform that has low cross talk with other sonobuoy waveforms.
