Spread Spectrum Techniques for Sonar Ping Technology
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-005
Topic Title: Spread Spectrum Techniques for Sonar Ping Technology
Proposal No.: N101-005-0863
Firm: Signal Systems Corporation
877 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd Suite 210
Severna Park, Maryland 21146-4716
Contact: Drake Guenther
Phone: (410) 431-7148
Web Site: www.signalsystemscorp.com
Abstract: Signal Systems Corporation (SSC) proposes to develop a Spread Spectrum Multistatic Active Covert (SSMAC) sonar system. The proposed research will benefit existing sonar systems and also yield revolutionary system concepts. During Phase I, we will develop algorithms necessary for mitigating undesirable sidelobe behavior of pseudo-random noise spread spectrum waveforms, and highlight the potential of spread spectrum multi-input multi-output sonar technology using in-water simulations. We will conduct an in-air spread spectrum multistatic sonar system demonstration against moving targets. SSC will leverage unique scattering geometries, exploit ocean channel multipath, in-buoy signal processing, multi-input/multi-output sonar techniques and wide band ping technology to pursue a system that is effective, covert and have low marine mammal impact. We will conduct a system level trade study to focus our technology onto a specific ASW mission.
Benefits: Spread spectrum ping technology will improve search rates and lower false alarms for existing wide area search systems. The technology will also enable covert active sonar system development enabling new missions for Anti-Submarine Warfare and harbor security. Spread spectrum ping technology will also yield improvements in biomedical imaging and automobile applications.
