Ocean Sensor Interface Simulation for Integration Testing
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-027
Topic Title: Ocean Sensor Interface Simulation for Integration Testing
Proposal No.: N131-027-0263
Firm: Sedna Digital Solutions, LLC
10611 Balls Ford Rd., Suite 300
Manassas, Virginia 20109
Contact: Dave Welling
Phone: (703) 530-5400
Web Site: www.sednadigital.com
Abstract: Sedna Digital Solutions, LLC (Sedna) has experience in the real world behavior of sensor technology as used in current NAVY combat systems. Sedna proposes to use its knowledge of real world sensor behavior, combat system array interfaces, existing high fidelity simulation, and general combat system test techniques to advance a concept that better matches what a combat system will encounter upon deployment with new or modified sensor arrays. Sedna proposes to optionally move the high fidelity injection point from post array signal conditioning to the array interface point. By making this move and adding real world sensor faults, the combat system will be stressed with real world like stimuli at the system development site. Stimulation at the system development site allows for cost effective repair of undesirable combat system behavior that would eventually have occurred at the installation site or, even worse, at deployment. Furthermore, Sedna proposes the reuse of existing high fidelity and array interface test software. The approach protects and enhances the NAVY's previous investment in this software.
Benefits: The anticipated benefits of the research will be the advancement of a concept for stimulating combat systems with stimuli that closely matches real world sensor behavior while also incorporating high fidelity ocean effects. With such a simulation, defects in the combat system are discovered earlier in the development cycle. Defects discovered earlier reduce the risk of not delivering the intended tactical functions. Defect discovered early are also much less costly to repair. Furthermore, unanticipated sensor behavior, whenever discovered, can be evaluated for its impairment of the combat system in a controlled environment. The research is described in terms of combat systems. However, these concepts are applicable to any system that processes data from real world sensor systems that are subject to providing faulty data.
