Very Wide Bandwidth Radar/EW Components and Characterization
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-059
Topic Title: Very Wide Bandwidth Radar/EW Components and Characterization
Proposal No.: N131-059-0856
Firm: S2 Corporation
2310 University Way
Building 4-1
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Contact: Kris Merkel
Phone: (406) 922-0334
Abstract: S2 Corporation and subcontractor Montana State University offer their wideband photonic technologies for signal generation and sensing and a workplan to address the needed novel characterization techniques for passive components operating over very wide bandwidth, at frequencies up to 110 GHz. In the Phase 1 effort, we will develop concepts for very wide bandwidth, very high frequency passive components and characterization techniques and show feasibly developed into a useful product for the Navy.
Benefits: Benefits are signal generation and measurement of >110 GHz bandwidth. Commercial applications are test and measurement and signal monitoring.
