Multi-wavelength direct diode lasers based on Wavelength Beam Combination for Navy applications
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-083
Topic Title: Multi-wavelength direct diode lasers based on Wavelength Beam Combination for Navy applications
Proposal No.: N131-083-0793
Firm: TeraDiode, Inc.
30 Upton Drive
Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887
Contact: Robin Huang
Phone: (978) 988-1040
Web Site:
Abstract: There is a compelling need for multi-spectral direct diode lasers for defense and commercial applications. Applications include target illumination and detection, terrain/object/building mapping, construction, surveillance, industrial process control, and free-space optical communications. Existing, commercially available direct diode lasers have some of the most desirable attributes: highest efficiency, greatest compactness (small size, weight, and power or SWaP), and wavelength selectability from the UV to the mid-IR bands. The main disadvantage is poor output beam quality. TeraDiode's technology of Wavelength Beam Combination (WBC) effectively solves the poor output beam quality problem of direct diode lasers. Using WBC technology, TeraDiode will be able to build a multi-band diode laser module that satisfies or exceeds 100% of the Navy requirements for this program. TeraDiode's technical approach is scalable to much higher power and beam quality, up to multiple kWs of power if required for the application.
Benefits: The technology of high brightness multi-band semiconductor laser modules developed under this SBIR program is intended to be dual use for commercial and government applications. Commercial and government applications of this technology include target illumination and detection, electronic warfare, chemical and biological sensing, LADAR, free space optical communications, and noninvasive medical diagnostic applications. This proposal is has future Naval relevance for Naval applications including ship-board defense and counter targeting/jamming/self-protection. TeraDiode has SBIR efforts on Infrared countermeasures (IRCM) with Navy PMA 272 and Army I2WD. Phase III transition partners for Navy and DoD applications will include the major Prime Contractors. Key mission areas and addressable threats to the Navy warfighter include: Missile/Infrared Counter-Measures, Non-lethal/Credible Glare, Targeting and Designation, Brown Out/Obstacle Detection, and Chemical/Explosives Detection.
