Power scaling of blue lasers with high peak-power and repetition rate for detection of underwater objects
Navy SBIR FY2014.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.1
Topic No.: N141-008
Topic Title: Power scaling of blue lasers with high peak-power and repetition rate for detection of underwater objects
Proposal No.: N141-008-0185
Firm: Arete Associates
P.O. Box 2607
Winnetka, California 91396-2607
Contact: Micah Boyd
Phone: (303) 651-6756
Web Site: www.arete.com
Abstract: The objective is to develop a low size, weight and power (SWaP), scalable high peak-power blue laser system for use as a transmitter source for detection of underwater objects from an airborne platform. Aret�'s approach leverages recent advances in Diode Pumped Solid-State Lasers (DPSSL) components, technology, and know-how. In particular, Aret� has developed high peak power lasers in the deep UV at 236 nm for application in remote detection of chemical and biological agents. This system uses a high-performance 946 nm Nd:YAG laser as a starting point with an intermediate frequency double stage that generates 473 nm. Aret�'s proposal is based on this approach.
Benefits: Laser technology developed in this program is directly applicable to Aret�'s airborne ocean remote sensing imaging lidar products used for mine countermeasures (MCM), bathymetry, and sensing of other underwater objects. Aret�'s commercial strategy is to leverage new developments spawned by this SBIR and apply them to products and systems in our existing marine imaging lidar portfolio. Although the Blue Laser system is not an ideal fit existing MCM missions, Aret�'s vast experience in active ocean remotes sensing in the littoral zones is a spring-board for emerging opportunities in the deep ocean, where blue wavelengths are applicable. High power, pulsed lasers have applications in manufacturing and lithography. Oceanographic bathymetry systems for survey and exploration work would benefit greatly from this laser system solution.
