Efficient EMI/RFI attenuation by GaN-based coating on spinel windows
Navy SBIR FY2014.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.1
Topic No.: N141-038
Topic Title: Efficient EMI/RFI attenuation by GaN-based coating on spinel windows
Proposal No.: N141-038-0553
Firm: SVT Associates, Inc.
7620 Executive Drive
Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344-3677
Contact: Boris Borisov
Phone: (952) 934-2100
Web Site: www.svta.com
Abstract: With the advent of electromagnetic and electro-optical sensors in modern military platforms, the issue of detectability extends well beyond that of visible light. The suppression of Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI) is considered as one of vital elements of survivability. In general, windows are one of the main sources of EMI/RFI signature. High optical quality windows transparent in 0.4-5 �m range are required for shipboard electro-optical sensors. Magnesium aluminate spinel (MgAl2O4) due to the combination of mechanical and optical properties is the material of choice for these windows. At present, EMI/RFI shielding of windows is accomplished using metal grids or conductive transparent coatings which degrade their optical transmission properties. In this program, we propose to develop a robust, transparent coating for efficient EMI/RFI attenuation on spinel windows based on high-conductivity GaN thin films.
Benefits: Spinel windows in combination with highly transparent conductive coatings are sought for a number of important applications in land, air and sea platforms for military, surveillance and security applications. In these applications the highly conductive coating is required to shield against EMI/RFI effects and/or attenuate the electronic signatures. In addition to defense and security applications, transparent conductive coatings are used in aerospace, industrial and medical applications
