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Project Status and Final Reports

Refer to your contract which may have specific requirements you must follow.

Progress Report Outline:

Cover Sheet to include:

  • Project Title
  • Solicitation topic number
  • Principal investigator's name
  • Distribution statement
  • Period Covered by the Report
  • Serial number (see instruction for voucher, sf 298)
  • Security classification (e.g., unclassified)
  • Name of the activity issuing the award document
  • SBIR DATA RIGHTS legend:
    • Contract Number:
    • Contractor Name:
    • Contractor Address:
    • Expiration of SBIR Data Rights Period:
    The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose technical data or computer software marked with this legend are restricted during the period shown as provided in paragraph (b)(4) of the Rights in Noncommercial Technical Data and Computer Software--Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program clause contained in the above identified contract. No restrictions apply after the expiration date shown above. Any reproduction of technical data, computer software, or portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce the markings.
  • Name, telephone number and e-mail address of preparer of the report.

Report to include:

  • Program Objective
  • Work progress and significant events by task
  • Identification of any technical and/or programmatic issues
  • Plans for next reporting period
  • Transition progress or updates to plan
  • Labor hours and cost expenditures relative to plans

Final Report Outline:

Standard Form SF298

Report Documentation Page Standard Form (SF) 298 may be down-loaded from the table below. SF-298 Block 12a (Distribution/Availability Statement) for unclassified final reports must contain one of the following statements:

  1. Approved for public release; SBIR report, distribution unlimited; or

  2. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies Only; report contains proprietary data produced under SBIR contract. Other requests shall be referred to the sponsoring agency in Block 9 of this form.
The final report abstract (Block 13 of the SF 298) must identify the purpose of the work and briefly describe the nature of work carried out, the finding or results, and the potential government and private sector applications of the effort (this form may be publicly available so it must not contain any proprietary or classified information or data).

Download Form SF298
Word VersionPDF Version

Cover Sheet and Final Report

  • Report template and instructions can be found here